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- Age 35, seeking casual date with men
- Am I in the right place?
- "I have always been a bit of a 'tomboy'. I love engaging in rough play with my male friends, but no I am not gay, though I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. "
- Age 26, seeking casual date with men
- ... I'll do the rest.
- "Ok, I like having a little control, or a lot of control. Either way, there is just something about having the upper hand that I find sexy. I am not really a domineering or belligerent person but control especially in the bedroom is my middle name."
- Age 33, seeking casual date with men
- Take me there, and fast.
- "I've always been the experimental type, so I'm here to find out what I might find on a site like this. I don't normally go into things expecting a lot, that way if I'm disappointed, I won't be too surprised. So here goes something."
- Age 28, seeking casual date with men
- I want to feel you.
- "I have a strange feeling that this is going to be an awesome experience. I love sex and I absolutely feel I am in the right place where I will meet persons like myself. "
- Age 31, seeking casual date with men
- Give me a try and I'll prove it.
- "I know I'm going to be lambasted by a lot of persons for what I'm about to say, but I couldn't care less. I'm not a sexual expert, but I'll give you the best BJ. My name is Lois and I know Superman ... make him weaker than kryptonite when I'm on my bended knees. If you think I'm bluffing, give me a try and you'll see."
- Age 40, seeking casual date with men
- Looking for a slow hand.
- ""I need a man with a slow hand, I need a lover with an easy touch...". I'm sure you're familiar with that song, it keeps playing over and over in my head. I'm hoping to find a man with the ... try something different and instead of trying to meet someone in a bar, I thought I'd stop in here, and see what happens."
- Age 41, seeking casual date with men
- Do you want to assist me?
- "Sometimes I'm lead to believe that I'm living in a totally different world. For me the days are slow and the nights are long, while others can't seem to find enough hours in a day to do what ... not having fun. I'm not scared to admit that I'm totally bored, and this is my first step in doing something about it."
- Age 40, seeking casual date with men
- Do I have to spell it out?
- "Red roses, music, champagne and long hot baths, are a few of the things I really love. I like when a man shows me affection and treats me like a princess. But more so, I like when he can charm ... tongue cannot tell. I like when a guy can give me new and exciting experiences and that is why I'm here."
- Age 30, seeking casual date with men
- I want a naughty teacher
- "I'm a sexy, bodacious, full-bodied woman, with lots of pleasures in store for you. I can show you a good time, but presently I'm looking to learn something new. I'm really tired of routine actually my man has become quite boring. I want to go on new and more sexually gratifying adventures."
- Age 32, seeking casual date with men
- Looking for passion, beyond my wildest dreams.
- "I can be just as adventurous as any other girl. I'm open to new ideas too and I'm willing to engage in mind-blowing experiences. I know, I might not look like the type, but looks can be deceiving and in my case they are. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to show you that I'm quite an explorer."
- Age 33, seeking casual date with men
- Need a little fun on the side
- "I have a man and I love him very much but things are getting a bit boring between us (sexually). There are things that I need that he's not willing to do so I'm here to get them done. "
- Age 31, seeking casual date with men
- I want to share with you!
- "I do appear quite normal on the outside, but if you get to know me, you'll find out that there is nothing normal about me. I do and say things other people won't and I'm into setting my own trends I don't think I ever ask for to much and I don't believe in limits."