A 10's Scotch101 Member

Im not for the faint hearted, intense, passionate and working class. I wont bite though.
Im a heavy drinking political /philosophical thinker who just likes to chill with some johnny cash and forget about the never ending drama of living under a labour government. Dave has lost complete faith in our education system, the degrees which people prize so highly and which society regard as so valuable have lost my respect. Not to say i have lost respect for the people who hold them, some of my closest allies are academics, and yes i am well aware of the hypocrisy of holding degrees myself. However i choose not to use them, as the common ground i once shared with the intelligestia is eroded. I just believe that one can keep the intelligence without the pomposity and self righteous attitude that come with an advanced education. The ego and superiority complex i see in our world seems to be reflected stronger in the top ten percent, this i blame on the innate structural makeup of our society, organic a process as it was, it has left me disenchanted. I choose to walk the labourers path, i know i am in control and the shackles of freedom no longer feel as restricting. "Working class and fucking proud of it". Society by and large shuns original thought, it appears differently at casual observation but how much freedom of thought do we really have, how often do you truly feel comfortable thinking, doing or saying things unsanctioned by society. im no anarchist, i dont think we have it that bad, limitations or at least acceptable boundaries must be set to avoid chaos, i understand this im no idiot. However, these boundaries are shrinking, we are becoming less able to express oureselves without feeling the full force of the system. the problem is the system re enforces itself, its innate in our legal system, education system and most other facets of our existence but the two aforementioned seem to be the main culprits, regardless of my personal feelings and bias im well aware some of these people mean well, but i digress.
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