A 10's dj196055 Member

Looking for fun
Ladies, if you read one essay ALL the way through, I hope it is mine. I am a do it all kind of person. I love to cook, clean and take care of the house and yard. I was a former chef, yes I really do cook and love to try new things. I would challenge anyone to see how clean I keep my home! I am a jack of all trades, master of few. My work keeps me fit and I have alot of energy. I have 2 kids, both out of the house that are 21 and 20, both in college. I do work some night and weekends because of my job. Everyone says if you need something call David. First to help any and all. Love movies at home or out. Want to know more; just ask I will be open and honest. I like pleasing a lady first then get pleased
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