A 10's toster905 Member

Looking For Cute & Mysterious
I'm a nice guy. I stick up for my friends and I'm always there for a friend when they need me the most. Theres a lot of bad guys out there and there are some good ones. I'm one of the good ones. I'm the type of guy that would give my gf a rose just cus it's a wednesday. I'm the type of guy if im at a house party and my gf ends up getting too drunk to the point shes throwing up everywhere I'll say screw the party and make sure shes home safe and take good care of her. I'm also the type of guy that likes to surprise a woman with a dinner at my place with the lights out and candles lit. I dont know how to cook so I usually order the food and throw out the boxes lol. I'm Canadian. I was born in Toronto, Ontario and then just a few years old my family moved to Hamilton. I have a Wrestling career in the works. I am trying to make it to the big leagues. I love swimming and beaches. I love playing sports and any other kind of physical activities. I love theme parks like Canada's Wonderland or Six Flags. I'm working Full-Time at the moment while I wrestle on monthly shows trying to make a name for myself.
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