A 10's MartyPartyEsti Member

Casual sex Ottawa hookup for women sites in Ontario
I am a 28 years old straight single man living in Ottawa, Ontario

Looking for randomness

My name is marty & i like to party, LOL hahha. Im 6'1 minus an inch, 230.. haha big boy, blue/green eyes. I've always been a big kid, so don't **** around! hahaha i enjoy walks on the beach. I enjoy what comes after the walk on the beach, HAHhahahah... TurnONs.A goonie chick ha love that - Wears red,black and white colours - unique personality - pictures - pain - laughter - Tattoos - Piercings - Alcoholic anything. - Body Art - Stupidness - "Jackass" style movies/stunts - silent moments - studded belts with a new shiny buckle haha - black hair - Johnny Depp - less makeup the better - nice shoes - matching outfits - black - photography - drawing - web design - apples - going to shows - meeting girls at shows - meeting people - filming anything, expecially stupid stunts just to prove how dumb i can be - cartoons (ren & stimpy, Family Guy, Futurama, my pet monster, ninja turtles, spider-man...) - comic books - poems - conversations - sarcasm - independent films - Music - nintendo games - scars - boys night - beer - beer - meat - beer - BBQ's - Steak - meat - Sublime - HIM - Police foundations - Sex in an Acura Integra - pens that click - late night chats - late nights... TurnOffs.FEET - multiple personality - psychopathic personality disorder S - Racism - People who spit on you - Interruptions - buying cds - Paying 14% tax - Paying tax - Paying - losing money - steping on gum - people who cry for everything, ex "I, I need to ... sharpen my pencil" - sharpening pencils - school (sorta) - school teachers - The fact that my english teacher ****ed his student - People who repeat themselfs - dance mix cds - People who repeat themselfs - clubbing - bouncers in bars - Mc Donalds - Simple Plan - Connan Obrian - Tv - Oc Transpo - Drugs (Exc. weed, comon now) - When i smoke cigarettes..

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