A 10's Starsearch22 Member

Are you the STAR package that brings fun, flirting, fire and friendship back in my life?!...
Brunette, green eyed, fun lovin', good hearted single mom with (finally!) whew!... "getting older" kidz and an edge of spare time for something new, friends or excitement, in my life! I'm outgoing, communicative, but like my quiet times too! Spirituality and a creative flair (music, guitar, songwriting, poetry) is all me! Definitely more a night owl (can you make great java?!), it's often in the eve I get my second wind! I'm pretty, but no "Barbie", have lots of passion to spare and share! My Interests are my kids, writing, swimming, music, movies, hopefully seeing the rest of the world someday! My Best feature is my eyes, they twinkle when I laugh! :) If I won millions I would buy a new house, take a vacation, go on a mission to help contribute to starving kids in Africa. If I could have lunch with anyone, it would be Dannion Brinkley (near-death experience psychic) or Craig Ferguson (the Late Late Show!) from CBS!
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