A 10's canongo Member

Bonjour and welcome to the my 'personal description'. I make no promises that it will reveal anything significant or interesting about my persona since I simply don`t care much to broadcast any of my hobbies, goals, etc into the great wide emptiness of cyberspace, ya know what I'm sayin? Besides, if you can`t get a clear picture of what the guy typing this is like from the interests listed above, well, maybe you need to go look elsewhere in your quest for eternal love, happiness, the picket fence, and tickle fights, mmmmk? For those of you who remain intrigued, perplexed or dare I say interested by this valiant stab at a personal description, I commend you for your efforts thus far. xxxmatch.com: What are you doing on a dating site? ME: Great question, glad you asked. Just got back from a significant amount of time away in a far off land and now well, its kind of like my way of saying 'ola' to the civilized world again, trying to meet some interesting characters, so yes, I will respond if I dig your style and you're unique. And if you were gifted, through the sheer accident of birth, with better than average looks but were deprived of any frontal lobe capacity, I may not be inclined to continue forth with any form of conversation. xxxmatch.com: Some critics have described your latest work as satirical and borderline offensive. Your thoughts. ME: You have the wrong dude, I am not an author by any means. Next question please. xxxmatch.com: Who are your greatest aspirations in life ME: Mike Wier, The only Canadian Golfer to have worn a green jacket xxxmatch.com: What`s next for you career wise? ME: What a terribly boring question. Who cares? Overseas mission and plausibly Search and Rescue in the next year. More to follow No running on the pool deck. Proceed
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