A 10's yobo54 Member

Doctor of desire
I want to live a good life, and to do that I need to feel happy in a close relationship, and to have familiar faces around me. I long to enjoy a harmonious domestic life with a loved one, to share a stimulating home, full of books, music, conversation and interesting friends. Becoming a member of this dating site is an earnest attempt to meet a one man woman, someone with decent morals, a zest for life and a good sense of humor. Although I prefer an easy, breezy approach to life, there is a solemn side to my personality. It's like this. I am a cross between a philosopher and a jokesmith. Deep inside of me is an obedient Christian struggling to get out. Put simply. Every fiber of my being truly believes that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them. Now on a slightly less serious note, I am a laid back, easy going, retired army officer who has additionally amassed 14 years of experience in Juvenile and adult corrections. Having evolved over the years, I have become the consummate people person, one who practices diplomacy which is the art of disagreeing without becoming disagreeable. Lesson learned. Working with others has taught me well. I believe the only time we should ever look down on another is when we're preparing to lift them up. Discussing volatile subjects such as religion, politics, and evolution, I strive to shed light rather than heat. After all, the heart can't rejoice in what the mind does not know. I am a very social-warm-hearted, romantic, eager to engage with another and to create 'Magic' together type person. I wield bags of charm and can give and receive affection easily. However, I need more than affection; I also need verbal love games and the sharing of ideas and ideals.
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