A 10's B97S Member

Speculative Dreamer
I am one of those folk who has the advantage or disadvantage of being admittedly difficult to describe. I suppose though, I can begin by saying that I am in my early-mid twenties. My name is irrelevant, and I have hair that on its own ranges from blonde to red to brown, green eyes and a reddish brown goatee. I feign normality by blending in with the herd of people that come and go across the oceans of life. To help me with this, I prefer to have a job. I have previously been employed as a service technician and sales agent for a well known electronics company. I am also a notorious tinkerer, with the ability to fix almost anything. I'm not happy usually, unless there is /something/ broken for me to mess around with. The illusion of normality however, ends as soon as I leave the professional starched-collar corporate world and enter into the Universe of my private self. I fancy myself a writer. I enjoy creating worlds by text and believe to the fullest that a properly talented individual can do amazing things with but letters and pages. One of the gateways to the soul is through literary works -- both in reading that which others write and in finding yourself by writing. I create a large variety of works -- and don't show them to anyone. This is perhaps my greatest fault -- and it comes from a fear that I cannot easily explain. But it nonetheless comforts me to create and explore the complex interactions of characters and worlds -- it is an almost childlike joy that I shall never grow out of. As such, I consider myself an artist. Some paint with pigments, paints and pencils -- I paint with adjectives, verbs and nouns. The English Language is my Canvas.
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