A 10's Giverseekssame Member

Very strong libido, but shy.
I have a kind heart and strong libido. I'm shy at first, but enjoy pleasing first. I have had only four partners in my life and all of them have become multi-orgasmic. It has not been unusual for my female partners to enjoy 10+ orgasms in our lovemaking. When I "release" it takes me minutes to get ready again and with each "release" it is as a caffeine boost. My libido also triples when there is a full moon. I'm still puzzled by this, but my partners do enjoy the extra attention. I am a large man 6'4" with broad shoulders and have big feet and hands and yes, that other thing., I am more than willing to please my partner in a variety of ways and show my attentiveness. Let me be clear on a few points. If you are married, move on. If you're interested in a one-night stand, also move on. I'm looking to date someone and have frequent intense sex that is leading to something more than an orgasm. I can bring a woman to multiple orgasms, but my goal is to bring you to a double orgasm. Where you have one on top of another sort of like a ripple from a pool. I always want to improve my lovemaking skills. Are you up to the challenge?
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