A 10's jenkens234 Member

Who wants to hang out? Maybe you?
Hi. I'm Jer. I like to hang out with friends. I'm not here looking to get laid, that's just a plus if it happens. I'm here to find someone I can spend time with, and maybe make my life a little more exciting. I'm an easy going guy who loves being outdoors but also doesn't mind chillin at home watching a movie. I like to play sports and watch sports. I enjoy food and music. I'm not a big guy but I think I'm physically fit and have a nice body. I think that whoever my girlfriend is should be as equally attractive as I am. I know it seems shallow but it's the truth. I don't lie to people and I hate being lied to. I want someone honost and good hearted. Someone who's not a bar star and doesn't sleep with random guys. I don't mind of you like to go out dancing with friends but if you're there all the time looking to hook up then I'm not the guy you want. Anyways, msg me if you're interested
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