A 10's dIooIb Member

Burning Desire
Tall, good-looking, sensitive. I am waiting for your command or, if you prefer, I am ravenous, dominant and taking what I want. I'll start slowly, inhaling the scents that grow stronger with closing proximity.Fingertips and lips tracing patterns to seldomly visited places.With a tightening grip, pulling you closer to absorb the heat emitted from the growing carnal desires.Tasting your skin, I can hardly contain the pressing urge at my waist and you brush against it with coquettish movements, moaning in a tone that excites my ears.I run my fingers up your back to your head, slowly, firmly pressing against aching muscles that capitulate to my touch.I grab your hair and pull you to my chest, staring at you staring at me, we are reduced to animals who have no choice but to fulfil our needs...
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