A 10's visa77 Member

Hark! Who goeth there? Ah, tis you fair maiden. Please enter in.
Who art thou you ask? Before you is Sir D., brave knight of King Arthur's round table. I stand a towering 6ft tall, 170 lbs soaking wet, with brown hair and hazel green eyes. I rideth a fine white charger. The thunder from his pounding hooves strikes fear into the hearts of mortal men. Fellow knights would describe me as having a witty sense of humour, one who sets others at ease and "reasonably" intelligent(lol). Aside from slaying dragons, some of my feats of bravery involve flying, cycling, fitness, salsa and of course jousting. But enough of these proclamations. Tis other things I wish to share with you.... Come hither, so I may whisper in your ear.
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