A 10's Tweetie41 Member

A Smile that is a Gift from God
African-American, Single and a parent with compassion for children and youth! I am considerate and direct; honest and tell no lies. Sincere and don't believe in drama. Looking for a relationship with a man based on trust, truth and honesty. I am open-minded with integrity. I am one of the most simple people you'll ever meet and yet complex at the same time. I am a breath of fresh air with a brain that works; morals and believe in living life with lots of fun freely. I am primarily looking for an African-American male for 1-on-1 dating; nothing personal to the other ethnic groups but this is my preference. I believe in open communication and looking for someone who likes to communicate especially via email. Using this form of communication allows one to get to know the other person. I do not believe in making hasty decisions as I believe all decision that impacts a person's life should be well thought out. Additionally, friendship that leads to a one-on-one relationship is more important to me than jumping feet first into the water. I prefer to allow my toes to get wet first so I can gage the temperature of the water before thrusting my entire self into the ocean. What do I like. I enjoy freedom, fun and loving. The ability to interact with others and to keep my professional and personal lives separated. There are two value systems attached to each ... one is absolute no non-sense while the other is fun and loving. I have one child whom I have custody of and have been raising for 10 years and she is my first and far most priority as well as her security and sense of well-being. My lifestyle mimics the type of person I hope she grows up to be someone and I am therefore her first and primary example. Girls learn about relationships from watching what's going on around them, but I don't want her to grow up too fast. The values I teach her will be reminders of what a woman should be when she grows up. If you�re still interested send me an email.
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