A 10's plentyminuteman Member

I'm a war hero, would you like to see my purple heart
just checking out the site , since everything from shopping to paying your bills is online why not try and hook up online as well. I'll update this later with more info about myself , for now i'll just give you a short summery. I work out, I like sports, martial arts, hanging out with friends drinking on a patio, the beach for sure, travel, my humour is based on simpson's, the show basically raised me and anything funny I've ever said, somehow can be related to simpsons.. also huge fan of family guy , south park, dave chapelle, david cross, dane cook ..great funny stuff, love it. music , well i hate to be one of those people who say they liten to everything, but I'll just say that there's good in every genre of music and i will say however that i can't stand country music and RMB, (basically country with a beat) I also enjoy sex, especialy when it's not just by myself ..
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