A 10's derick009 Member

I love sex!
Now a days, people use too much show boat, but that’s not my thing. If you want to know me, i suggest we take it step by step. I’m well traveled mostly through expatriate and my sense of restlessness/adventure. I decided to exercise the left part of my brain, so in 2001, i went back to school (Law) – but now, i'm still busy doing engineering work . This has lead to some interesting projects, and between my various passions, I’ve got a nice lifestyle, keep a good perspective, and don't let unnecessary stresses dictate my tempo. I’ve also “worked on myself” through meditation, respect for higher values, other things that can help develop self-awareness ...I can be very relaxed and spontaneous, but also have an intensity, and think things through, and have been known to dream big. I have friends literally around the world, that’s because i am a very good traveler due to my intellectual expertise and specialization. So be ready to tour the world round with me when the opportunity comes anytime soon. I'm such a contradiction. Conservative politically, very liberal socially. I'm old fashioned i think, but very open to new things. Torn between the sinner (let's have fun, fun, fun) and the saint (Christian guilt is always there). Well what can i say, this is just me. I'm 5'11", 190 LBS, black hair, brown eyes. Like short crew cut, do all i can not to have facial hair but some traces of bears/mustache. Glasses or contacts.!? No glasses and no contacts. I'm not as vain as i once was. I'm college educated (BSc and Graduate) and employed (one full-time & one part-time on contract). Most of my friends and co-workers are married with kids so i thought put something up here and maybe meet some new friends along the way.
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