A 10's lordwebsta Member

Looking for my little prince
I am extremely sexual! So i was going to delete that comment but i thought meh i shouldn't because that is me lol. Anyways to think about how many profiles i have put up online over the past years and its just now come to mind that every time i do it, i end up writing a profile that is to wide ranged and not focused on the one guy that i do want to read it and that i do want to get a reply from. I'm only on here to fall in love and maybe make a friend or two along the way. I just got a little puppy this year and hes my little monster, i love him to bits but now its time to think more long term. Some point i want to buy a house and get life going a little faster, i dont know about you but i dont want to pay rent all my life. Truly i want do that with someone, someone i can cook for, with, or even have them cook for me. I want to be able to cuddle up on a cold winters night and lay soft kisses on your neck. Someone that will come kick my ass on xbox ;) lol
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