A 10's coociemonster Member

Wanna play??.
Hmmm what do i say about me? i am what they call an adrenaline junky. I'm into skydiving, whitewater rafting, snowboarding, wake-boarding and rock-climbing. Really i just love to be out doors. They say i have an energy that is addictive and that it can spread onto others,"Caution" lol. I am also very out going, and have an open mind, but also comes with an extremely high sex drive, "Caution again" ;). I just love to have fun,,in many ways. If you want to go on an adrenaline ride, come play with me!!!! one more thing, i am definitly a water baby, I absolutely love being around water and enjoy swimming naked ,,, acualy i just like to be naked no matter where i am. This does not really say alot about my self, and there is way more to me then what is in this note, but maybe it will strike your intrest and we can go from there..Cheers
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