A 10's RagingLibido84 Member

A Genuine Good Guy, yes they still exist.
Hey there everyone! I have an easy going personality with a unique sense of humor. I read alot of Sci-Fantasy novels. I watch lots of movies. Not a fan of clubbing, when i go out i prefer to be able to talk to the people im with and actually be able to hear them, or would prefer to cuddle up on a couch with a good movie going or heading to the local pub for a steak and a beer. Im into watching anime and reading manga and consider myself a bit of a geek and proud to do so. I ride a motorcycle, more so for the easy commute than any real enthusiasm. And it keeps my shopping bill down, cant carry any more than a backpack full so i dont buy unnecessary crap. Haha. I always considered myself highly eclectic when it came to music, but music these days is just becoming more and more unbearable, anything from 80's and 90's i can handle, but anything from the 00's i could take or leave. As im typing this in my playlist is for example, Billy Joel, AC/DC, George Thoroughgood, The Herd, Hilltop Hoods, Eminem, Guns 'n Roses, The Eagles, Twisted Sister and Scooter. Eclectic or what?
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