A 10's redman292 Member

Looking for some hot nights
Just got back from the Ukraine where I almost got hitched just looking too hard, need to get out and have some fun I dont use drugs so if you do, dont respond. An additional note, Read my damned profile for the Love of God, this is presuming you can read. For those of you who are to lazy to read the profile I AM BALDING, What hair I have left is RED, If You are married or involved go away, if you use drugs go away. If you are soliciting another site , you are quite ignorant to think I believe that you need age verification to view this crap "Sorry girls , if you actually graduated business school it wasnt from studying" plus the simple fact is I needed a CC and age verification to be on this site !!!!!!!!!! To sum it up, dont write if you are soliciting other sites sorry but I respect actual prostitutes more , at least they provide an actual service. No Cybersex, I just dont get into it, its actually comical. If this offends you, dont go away mad, JUST GO AWAY
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