A 10's Sleekhandy Member

Strong, charming, passionate and paitent.. what's not to like?
I don't fit into a stereotype, I am athletic, but a movie/computer nerd. I also wear all type and styles of clothes. I can also come off as cocky and arrogant most of the time, but it's confidence. I am exceedingly decisive and resolute in most of my actions. My personality is rather complex with a low tolerance for fickle people, but I am also very understanding and empathic. Loud, obnoxious people without a sense of thier surroundings (or humor) frustrate me. Don't take that the wrong way though, I am still very goofy and charismatic when the time calls for it, but I can and will get down to business when appropriate. However, everyone has to live and learn, so let's get started. I would like to give the public it wants something to laugh at;)
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