A 10's xl1200rider Member

Save a horse, ride a biker.
When you were thirteen years old, and driving down some back road with your mother, there was a long haired guy in his front yard working on a motorcycle or a pickup truck, and your mother told you that he was bad and that you should stay away from people like that. That guy was ME! I'm a gun carrying biker with a chip on my shoulder and I'm all out of prozac! Once in a while I do reach out to the "other side" as I try to enjoy the simple pleasures of Karaoke and listening to BLACK WIDOW at Mickey Rats. The rest of the time you'll find me riding my little Harly, skinnydipping in the Cattaraugus Creek at 2am, or trying to make my bike go 5mph faster than the cop behind me with his lights on. Once my pulse slows back down, I'll be back in front of my laptop writing in the book that I've been working on for three years.
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